Impact: 16 Charities Discuss the Help Portfolio

Impact: 16 Charities Discuss the Help Portfolio

Sixteen significant artists have donated original limited-edition prints to the Help Portfolio, 2020. Read more to see the impact of art—and its community—in action.

Sixteen significant artists have donated original limited-edition prints to the Help Portfolio, 2020. Read more to see the impact of art—and its community—in action.

Michael Craig-Martin, Gerberas, 2020.

Coronavirus plunged us all into an unknown darkness. It was during this time that the Help portfolio was born with one simple call from Christian Mathews, an old friend. –Dario Illari

Inspired by a spirit of collective action, sixteen significant artists have donated original limited-edition prints—in their unique styles—to the Help Portfolio, 2020. Its profits will be donated to sixteen different charities, each selected by the artists involved. The Help Portfolio has already raised over £250k from sales, which allowed Jealous Gallery to distribute £15k to each of the charities in the week before Christmas.

Artist Sue Arrowsmith, collector Christian Mathews, Director of Jealous Gallery and Print Studio Dario Illari, and Director of Cristea Roberts Gallery, David Cleaton-Roberts, teamed up to produce the Help Portfolio at the start of the pandemic—with immediate enthusiasm from those participating. Cleaton-Roberts was, "completely overwhelmed by the unwaveringly generous response from all the artists who, without hesitation, agree to be part of this fundraising portfolio. Each and every charity is such a worthwhile cause, and a project like this shows the power of art and artists to make a tangible difference to people’s lives."

As the Help Portfolio goes on view at Phillips Berkeley Square January 14 – 21 2021, we spoke with both the artists and charitable organizations involved. Scroll on to see the impact of art—and its community—in action. You can also browse the portfolio, of which there are a limited number still available, at Jealous Gallery.


Discover More from the participating artists >

Teenage Cancer Trust

Teenage Cancer Trust are incredibly honored to have been selected as one of the charities for The Help Portfolio, 2020. This support really couldn’t have come at a time when we needed it more. Young people with cancer are facing increased isolation during this pandemic and this increased need is set against the backdrop of a huge and very ominous decline in our income. This donation will help Teenage Cancer Trust make sure no young person faces cancer alone throughout this crisis and beyond. A heartfelt thank you to all involved in this inspiring project including of course the hugely talented artist contributors. – Jane Ashton, Head of Music & Entertainment,

Idris Khan OBE, Four Bar Rhythm, 2020.


Unity Project

This year at The Unity Project, we've supported hundreds of families with "no recourse to public funds" (#NRPF) and no access to social security to make applications to the Home Office to avoid the homelessness they faced this winter. We continue to campaign for an end to the hostile environment so that charities like ours are no longer needed; in the meantime, donations like this enable us to continue to provide vital support.


Trussell Trust

We are so grateful for support from the Help Portfolio, especially at this time when more people than ever may need to turn to a food bank for support. You're helping us to take a positive step towards our vision, for a hunger free future where everyone can afford the basics in life.

Annie Morris, Flower Woman (after Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe), 2020.


Acid Survivors Trust International

Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) works to end acid violence and support survivors of acid attacks. Women and girls are overwhelmingly the targets of attacks and men are most commonly the perpetrators. When a person is attacked with acid the effects are immediately visible, prompting instant and excruciating pain. Injuries are usually directed at the face causing life-altering disabilities including disfigurement and blindness. The premeditated act is designed to disfigure, maim, and blind, but not to kill.

ASTI has helped hundreds of survivors with medical and mental health support as well as legal help. We have helped to tighten control on the sale of acids by helping to change laws in t he UK, Pakistan, Colombia, Bangladesh and Cambodia. By changing laws we have restricted easy access to acids, thereby preventing attacks occurring in the first place. Funding from the HELP Portfolio will assist ASTI to continue our work to raise awareness, educate and advocate for the rights of survivors


Whizz Kidz

We are so delighted to have been selected as one of the benefiting charities. We have already recieved £15k which has allowed us to transform the lives of children by providing three powered wheelchairs. This enables them to reach their toys and books from a shelf, or to speak to their friends at eye level. These changes make the world of difference to their independence and sense of freedom. We really hope that together we can bring joy to more kids.

Michael Craig-Martin, Gerberas, 2020.


Diabetes UK

This year we’ve seen demand for our services reach record levels, while our own funding has been significantly impacted. We want to thank Help Portfolio 2020 and all the artists involved. Without the help of generous supporters like you, we simply would not be able to offer support to the thousands of people with diabetes contacting our helpline, to campaign to keep people with diabetes safe in the workplace, or to invest in vital research—taking us a step closer to our vision of a world where diabetes can do no harm. – Kath Abrahams, Director of Engagement and Fundraising


Pancreatic Cancer UK

After a tough year for charities across the UK, we are so grateful to all of our supporters for their dedication and loyalty to our cause, each and every one of them is helping us to weather this storm. All money raised from this portfolio will help us to ensure that we can continue to be there for patients and their families and help us continue funding life-saving research that will help us change the future of this devastating disease. – Diana Jupp, CE

Mathew Weir, The Watching Hour, 2020.

Paintings In Hospitals

In what has been an immensely difficult year for all charities, the Help Portfolio is an incredible idea, a fantastic collection of artworks by leading artists, and an absolute lifeline for smaller non-profit organizations like Paintings in Hospitals. As one of the 16 charities lucky enough to benefit from funds raised, the Help Portfolio will allow Paintings in Hospitals to secure its future and to continue to use art and creativity to support the wellbeing of vulnerable patients and dedicated care staff throughout the pandemic. We want to offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has purchased the portfolio so far, as well as to Sue Arrowsmith, Christian Mathews, Jealous, David Cleaton-Roberts, and all 16 artists involved in bringing the Help Portfolio into existence—especially our brilliant artist patron and long-time supporter Ian Davenport. Your incredible generosity means so much to us and to everyone who benefits from our work.


Solace Women’s Aid

We are absolutely delighted to hear that the Help project has already raised £15K for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and we’d like to extend our thanks to everyone who has supported this fantastic initiative. These vital funds will help women and children with a safe place to stay and essential items when they are destitute as well as providing specialist support and therapy to help them recover and rebuild their lives. – Fiona Dwyer, CE

Paul Morrison, Night Pond, 2020.

Centre For Freudian Analysis and Research

The sale of this amazing portfolio has been brilliant for charities struggling to stay afloat in these troubled times. Thanks to the generosity of the artists, galleries and everyone else involved in the sale, much needed funds allow us to continue with our work, all the more necessary given the socio- economic difficulties faced by so many people.



With your help we will work to protect the world’s oceans, safeguard our forests and fight the climate crisis. We will push for a just and green transition to a fairer and more sustainable society, at a time when the planet needs it more than ever

Nicky Hirst, Conservation, 2020.

Housing Justice, London Homeless Collective

Thank you so much, from all London Homeless Collective partners, for the amazing donation from the Help Portfolio. We are so thrilled that such amazing artists are supporting the cause. It really means a lot. The Help Portfolio is going to do exactly what it was meant to do—to help. – Kathy Mohan OBE, CEO of Housing Justice


Médecins Sans Frontières UK

On behalf of MSF, I would like to say a huge thank you to the Help Portfolio for raising £15,000
 for Médecins Sans Frontières’ lifesaving work. Over the past year, our staff have faced unprecedented challenges around the world, and we are so grateful to have the support of the Help Portfolio during this time. This will help ensure we are delivering the essential emergency care in our existing projects, as well as fighting COVID-19 in over 70 countries. On behalf of our staff and patients around the world, thank you so much for your support. – Rose Petherick, Community Fundraising and Events Manage

Elizabeth Magill, Outlying, 2020.


Discover More from the Help Portfolio >

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