Ania Hobson - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale London Friday, March 3, 2023 | Phillips
  • “Two years ago, I went through a really bad breakup, involving lots of gaslighting. I was so angry and then my painting just went red. It was like, ‘Bang, bang’. I wanted these women to look like part of an army, walking out of fire and towards somebody, like they’re on a mission.” 
    —Ania Hobson

    • 來源

      倫敦Gillian Jason畫廊
      羅馬Andre Festa Fine Art畫廊

    • 過往展覽

      London, Gillian Jason Gallery, What We See: Emerging Artists Exploring Identity, 2 - 16 July 2020
      Online, Andrea Festa Fine Art, She Came to Stay: Extended View, 1 June - 27 August 2021

    • 文學

      Katy Cowan, 'New oil paintings by award-winning artist Ania Hobson that celebrate strong millennial women', Creative Boom, 29 July 2020, online



款識:Leather Jacket' Ania H(畫背)
油彩 畫布
91.5 x 61.5 公分 (36 x 24 1/4 英吋)

Full Cataloguing

£8,000 - 12,000 



Simon Tovey

+44 20 7318 4084

20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale

倫敦拍賣 2023年3月3日