Bulgari - Jewels & Jadeite Hong Kong Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | Phillips
  • 「這顆寶石的重量、顏色和產地的組合萬中無一。它的古墊形狀非常優雅,是寶格麗作品指定的獨特切割,尤其適合用來弘揚寶石的瑰麗。當我在斯里蘭卡採購時,第一次『遇到』這顆藍寶石,我完全被它震懾和感動,直到現在還記得當時的心情。來自斯里蘭卡的藍寶石擁有透明發亮的質感,正是寶格麗高級珠寶所追求的 --- 注滿了光和喜悅的寶石。如果想確實了解這顆寶石的美和稀珍度,就必需親自觀賞。」
    —寶格麗珠寶創意及寶石採購執行董事Lucia Silvestri

  • 斯里蘭卡 / 寶石之島嶼




    事實上,斯里蘭卡是其中一個最早出產藍寶石的國度,寶石開採已經有接近2500年的歷史。這些來自斯里蘭卡的絢麗藍色寶石早在公元前幾百年就在希臘、羅馬帝國,以及波斯流通,及後於5世紀在全球都能找到它的踪影,可見其吸引力之大。斯里蘭卡在古語中被冠以「寶石之島嶼 (Ratnadeepa)」的美名,確實當之無愧。





    正如寶格麗珠寶創意及寶石採購執行董事Lucia Silvestri女士指出,斯里蘭卡的藍寶石透亮且注滿了光,就是其獨特之處。最頂級的斯里蘭卡藍寶石淨度極佳,在其他產地的剛玉晶體中甚為罕見。儘管全天然不加工的藍寶裡不可以完全沒有內含物,但典型的細小針狀內含有助於將光均勻折射到整顆寶石,令色澤分配更平均。


    歷史上的重量級的斯里蘭卡藍寶石包括486.52克拉的「東方藍巨人 (Giant of the Orient)」、由美國史密森尼美國藝術博物館所珍藏的422.99克拉「洛根藍寶石 (Logan Blue Sapphire」,以及392.52克拉的「東方藍美人 (Blue Belle of Asia)」。
















    寶格麗高級珠寶系列只選用近乎完美的寶石,正如此顆出產自斯里蘭卡的藍寶石,在瑞士Gübelin寶石評分(Gemstone Rating)取得將近滿分98分的傲人成績,直接獲頒授最高級別的「非凡 (Exceptional)」頭銜。這個寶石評分機制會根據寶石的品質、稀有度,以及吸引力三方面作出評估,以100分為滿分,取得95分或以上才能擠身「非凡」級別。





    多得這顆藍寶石表面的微小鋯石內含物,瑞士SSEF寶石學院的專家能夠對這顆碩大的藍寶石進行放射性年齡撿測。根據對內含物所進行的分析,專家推斷這顆藍寶石的年齡約為 5億4千萬年。這年齡與在斯里蘭卡發現的藍寶石形成年齡非常吻合,進一步支持SSEF對此藍寶石產地的看法。









    在2022年法國戛納電影節期間,屢獲殊榮的美國女影星安.海瑟薇 (Anne Hathaway)在紅地毯上佩戴了一條十分重要的寶格麗藍寶石項鏈,與這條華美的項鏈如出一轍。安娜海瑟薇所佩戴的作品比較近期,以大自然原素為主題,更富裝飾性,而這條2004年製作的項鏈則以經典設計和線條優雅,各有特色。


    各個鑽石圓環可被視為一個模塊,而寶格麗的作品中經常會看到模塊 (modulo) 的設計,意指將單一的模塊複製成系列再進行連接。八十年代初發表的「括號(Parentesi)」首飾就是一個上佳的例子,它的靈感來自羅馬的人行道,是寶格麗最受歡迎的「modulo」設計之一。






      • Composed of circular links set with tapered baguette diamonds, alternating with pear-shaped diamonds, the centre set with a brilliant-cut stone weighing 2.00 carats, supporting a cushion-shaped sapphire horizontally-set weighing 118.35 carats, circular links and pear-shaped diamonds, mounted in platinum and white gold, signed Bulgari, length approximately 410mm, case stamped Bulgari.

        Accompanied by SSEF report no. 126610, stating that the sapphire is of Ceylon origin, with no indications of heating; together with an appendix letter and a letter of datation.

        Accompanied by Gübelin report no. 23010210, stating that the sapphire is of Ceylon origin, with no indications of thermal enhancement, ‘royal blue’ colour; together with an appendix letter and a gemstone rating card of 98 points and mentioning the exceptionality of the stone.

        Accompanied by five GIA reports stating that the diamonds weighing from 2.00 to 2.70 carats range from D to G Colour, Internally Flawless to VS2 Clarity.

        Accompanied by a Bulgari Gem Report.

        附瑞士SSEF, 瑞士Gübelin, 五張美國GIA證書及寶格麗寶石證書

        (Please note that the GIA reports are more than 10 years old and may require an update)

        'The described sapphire exhibits a highly impressive size and weight of 118.353 ct, combined with an attractive blue colour and a fine purity... In addition to these qualities, this sapphire has been spared exposure to heat treatment and its clarity and colour are thus entirely natural. A natural sapphire from Ceylon of this size and quality can be considered rare and exceptional'. Extract from the SSEF appendix letter.

        'The natural sapphire of 118.35 ct described in the above mentioned Gübelin Gem Lab Report possesses a richly saturated and homogenous colour, combined with a high degree of transparency. Such a combination of characteristics is rare in natural sapphires of this size'. Extract from the Gübelin appendix letter.

    • 藝術家簡介



      Originally from Kalarites, Greece, Sotirios Voulgaris emigrated to Rome because of Greece's rising poverty and difficulty separating from the Ottoman Empire. He set foot on Italian soil in 1880 with little money in his pocket and spent the next four years preparing what would go on to become Italy's oldest jewelry company. 

      In 1884, Bulgari opened its doors to the Italian people with its offering of jewelry and accessories. Bulgari's style takes from traditions in Greek and Roman craftsmanship to elegantly balance volume and subtlety. Later, in the late 1960s, Bulgari bridged classicism and modernity by introducing its seductive, now-iconic Serpenti collection of snake-shaped coil bracelets and watches. It is through its meticulous combination of influences that Bulgari has garnered an international and loyal high-profile clientele, which included Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn. These Hollywood stars have immortalized the house's unique gem-adorned bracelets, necklaces and earrings in rounded forms. 




118.35克拉「斯里蘭卡皇家藍」天然藍寶石配鑽石項鏈, 藍寶石未經加熱處理, 寶格麗, 2004年

Composed of circular links set with tapered baguette diamonds, alternating with pear-shaped diamonds, the centre set with a brilliant-cut stone weighing 2.00 carats, supporting a cushion-shaped sapphire horizontally-set weighing 118.35 carats, circular links and pear-shaped diamonds, mounted in platinum and white gold, signed Bulgari, length approximately 410mm, case stamped Bulgari.

Accompanied by SSEF report no. 126610, stating that the sapphire is of Ceylon origin, with no indications of heating; together with an appendix letter and a letter of datation.

Accompanied by Gübelin report no. 23010210, stating that the sapphire is of Ceylon origin, with no indications of thermal enhancement, ‘royal blue’ colour; together with an appendix letter and a gemstone rating card of 98 points and mentioning the exceptionality of the stone.

Accompanied by five GIA reports stating that the diamonds weighing from 2.00 to 2.70 carats range from D to G Colour, Internally Flawless to VS2 Clarity.

Accompanied by a Bulgari Gem Report.

附瑞士SSEF, 瑞士Gübelin, 五張美國GIA證書及寶格麗寶石證書

(Please note that the GIA reports are more than 10 years old and may require an update)

'The described sapphire exhibits a highly impressive size and weight of 118.353 ct, combined with an attractive blue colour and a fine purity... In addition to these qualities, this sapphire has been spared exposure to heat treatment and its clarity and colour are thus entirely natural. A natural sapphire from Ceylon of this size and quality can be considered rare and exceptional'. Extract from the SSEF appendix letter.

'The natural sapphire of 118.35 ct described in the above mentioned Gübelin Gem Lab Report possesses a richly saturated and homogenous colour, combined with a high degree of transparency. Such a combination of characteristics is rare in natural sapphires of this size'. Extract from the Gübelin appendix letter.

Full Cataloguing

HK$24,000,000 - 35,000,000 



+852 2318 2039


香港拍賣 2023年5月23日