Chitra Ganesh - New Now London Wednesday, December 6, 2023 | Phillips
  • New York based artist Chitra Ganesh studied literature at Brown University and painting at Columbia University. Her Indian heritage, combined with her American linguistic education and interest in filmmaking provide for a unique perspective. With a career spanning two decades, Ganesh has explored a variety of mediums as a means of artistic expression: from painting and drawing to video-based art and installations. She has amassed a wide-range of source material, drawing upon both the traditional icons and imagery of South-Asia Hindu and Buddhist culture, and the decidedly contemporary influence of video games and comics. 


    Ganesh successfully melds the old and the new, in both medium and source material 'to reconcile representations of femininity, sexuality and power absent from the artistic and literary canons’, often drawing on Hindu and Buddhist iconography.i  Her work engages with themes of feminism, history, and religion in a way that highlights and reflects the growing female and queer agency within the contemporary art world.


    Ganesh's work has been widely exhibited in the United States and internationally, including solo shows at Brooklyn Museum in New York; The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; and the Gothenburg Kunsthalle. 



    i Chitra Ganesh, ‘About’, online

    • 來源

      新德里 Espace 畫廊
      Tiroche DeLeon收藏





壓克力 水彩 水墨 顏料 人造花 繩 黏土 花環 閃粉 珍珠 石墨 膠水 玻璃珠 紙本
152.1 x 102 公分(59 7/8 x 40 1/8 英吋)

Full Cataloguing

£2,000 - 3,000 •‡



Charlotte Gibbs
New Now拍賣主管暨副專家
+44 20 7901 7993

New Now

倫敦拍賣 2023年12月6日