David Hockney - David Hockney London Tuesday, September 13, 2022 | Phillips
  • David Hockney, We Two Boys Together Clinging, 1961. COPYRIGHT LINE PENDING.
    David Hockney, We Two Boys Together Clinging, 1961. Image: Prudence Cuming Associates, Artwork: © David Hockney.

    'The interesting thing is that one of David’s best paintings came directly from the final etching in the story, which is a picture of two boys hugging each other having been saved from what is a really monstrous vagina' —Mark Berger

    Written by Mark Berger, Gretchen and the Snurl is a gay fairy-tale in which an innocent young boy called Gretchen goes out into the world and meets an alien creature named Snurl. Together, they evade a fearsome monster called the Snatch, which tries to engulf them both. Mark Berger was a student at the Royal College of Art, London, alongside David Hockney. Hockney loved the tale of Gretchen and the Snurl when Berger shared it with him, leading Berger to ask Hockney to create some accompanying illustrations. Hockney produced five etching and aquatints in response. The composition of the final illustration, a depiction of Gretchen and Snurl embracing at the end of the tale, inspired Hockney’s painting of 1961, We Two Boys Together Clinging. The painting lifts its title from a poem by Walt Whitman, often interpreted as a verse about homosexual love. Produced at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in England, the works of Hockney and Berger have an additional poignance.

    • 來源


    • 文學

      Editions Alecto 429
      Scottish Arts Council 9
      Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo 9

    • 藝術家簡介


      David Hockney (b. 1937) is one of the most well-known and celebrated artists of the
      20th and 21st centuries. He works across many mediums, including painting, collage,
      and more recently digitally, by creating print series on iPads. His works show semi-
      abstract representations of domestic life, human relationships, floral, fauna, and the
      changing of seasons.

      Hockney has exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Royal
      Academy of Arts in London, and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, among many
      other institutions. On the secondary market, his work has sold for more than $90



《格蕾陳和蝸牛 (E.A. 429, S.A.C. 9, M.C.A.T. 9)》

五組蝕刻版畫及幼點腐蝕 Crisbrook手製紙本(全包邊)
圖像:12 x 57.5 公分 (4 3/4 x 22 5/8 英吋)
紙本:25 x 70 公分 (9 7/8 x 27 1/2 英吋)

尚有50版無編號版、16版藝術家試作版、75版S.A.C. and M.C.A.T.版,此作由倫敦 Editions Alecto 畫廊於1963年出版,已裱。

Full Cataloguing

£2,500 - 3,500 



Robert Kennan
T +44 20 7318 4075
M +44 7824 994 784

Rebecca Tooby-Desmond
T +44 207 318 4079
M +44 7502 417366

Anne Schneider-Wilson
T +44 207 318 4042
M +44 7760 864 748

David Hockney

倫敦拍賣 2022年9月13日