Dieter Roth - Editions & Works on Paper New York Wednesday, February 15, 2023 | Phillips
  • Roth's work developed over a fifty-year period with both a diversity and a logical coherence that establish him as one of the most singular and important artists of the second half of the century. Roth shifted from a foundation in classic modernism into the arena of contemporary art, or what has been sometimes called "post-modernism". Testing fundamental issues of authorship and the notion of the self is fused with equally essential questions of the character and nature of art, the materials from which art may be made, as well as the hierarchies and distinctions between media... Roth continually circled back to earlier ideas and processes, reinterpreting and transforming works, so that linearity or closure is consistently defied. Transience and order, destruction and creativity, playful humor and criti cal inquiry, the abject and beautiful maintain an unrelenting balance throughout his work. A sense of art and life as imminently tragic but boundlessly open distinguishes the career of Dieter Roth, unfolding over decades but remaining alive and relevant today.


    — Gary Garrels, Chief Curator, Department of Drawings, and Curator, Department of Painting and Sculpture, The Museum of Modern Art for Roth Time: A Dieter Roth Retrospective, 12 March – 07 June 2014

    • 文學

      Dirk Dobke pp. 147-232

    • Catalogue Essay

      Including: 2 Picture Books; Ideograms; Bok 2a und Bok 2b; Bok 4a und Bok 5; Bok 3a; Bok 3c; Bok 3b und Bok 3d; 2 Books; Stupidograms; Daily Mirror; Snow; (Copley Book); Scheisse (Shit); Die Blaue Flut; Poesy 5 to 1; MUNDUNCULUM; 246 Little Clouds; Smaller Works (part 1); Smaller Works (part 2); and Books and Graphics (part 1).


《作品集,第 1-20 卷 (D. pp. 147-232)》

1969-1979年作; 1983年作
全套豪華套裝 20 本藝術家書籍,包括一些模切、螺旋裝訂、絲網印刷、粘合裝訂、軟封面、平版印刷和凸版印刷(散裝如出版所示)全部存於原裝藝術家指定紙箱連手繪彩色印刷,封面上粘附有石墨手工添加物(如出版所示)。
藝術家紙箱:11 x 9 1/2 x 24 英吋 (27.9 x 24.1 x 61 公分)
來自102版特別版,由藝術家和斯圖加特和倫敦 Edition Hansjörg Mayer聯合出版。

Full Cataloguing

$2,500 - 3,500 



212 940 1220


紐約拍賣 2023年2月15日