Hans Hofmann - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Morning Session New York Thursday, November 18, 2021 | Phillips
  • 來源

    藝術家遺產管理委員會收藏 (1966–1996年)
    雷納特、漢斯、瑪利亞.霍夫曼信託基金 (1996–2004年)
    紐約 Ameringer Yohe Fine Art 畫廊 (2004年)
    聖達菲 Riva Yares 畫廊 (2004年)

  • 過往展覽

    New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, 1953 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, October 15–December 6, 1953
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, The One Hundred and Fifty-First Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, January 22–February 26, 1956
    East Hampton, Signa Gallery, The Artists' Vision: 1948–1958, May 30–July 19, 1958
    Hanover, Dartmouth College, Hopkins Center, Paintings by Hans Hofmann, November 8–30, 1962
    San Francisco, John Berggruen Gallery, Hans Hofmann: Paintings, February 1–March 3, 2001
    Scottsdale, Riva Yares Gallery, Hans Hofmann: A Retrospective View: Paintings 1935–1965, October 12–December 31, 2002, n.p. (illustrated)

  • 文學

    Robert M. Coates, "The Art Galleries: Whitney Annual," The New Yorker, October 31, 1953, p. 84
    Sam Feinstein, "Whitney Annual: Not the Same Show," Art Digest, November 1, 1953, p. 9
    Sam Hunter, Hans Hofmann, New York, 1963, pl. 47, p. 102 (illustrated)
    James Yohe, ed., Hans Hofmann, New York, 2002, p. 147 (illustrated)
    Suzi Villiger, ed., Hans Hofmann: Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, vol. III, Surrey, 2014, no. P910, p. 43 (illustrated)




款識:hans hofmann 53(右下方)

油彩 畫布
48 x 36 英吋 (121.9 x 91.4 公分)

$400,000 - 600,000 



John McCord
+1 212 940 1261

20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Morning Session
