Hebru Brantley - 24/7 Hong Kong Monday, October 7, 2019 | Phillips
  • 拍品詳情

    This work is in good condition and is framed under Plexiglas in a wood frame.

  • 來源

    香港,Avenue des Arts畫廊

  • 過往展覽

    香港,Avenue des Arts畫廊,〈酷中之王〉,2018年1月11日 - 1月20日

  • 圖錄文章

    擁有獨特的圖像審美,荷布洛·布蘭特利的藝術創作以其強烈的故事性而聞名。他的標誌性人物Flyboy,如同這件作品中所描繪的,自他的塗鴉時期到布面作品的轉變,一直追隨著布蘭特利的職業生涯。布蘭特利的作品使用了一系列之媒介,並從嘻哈、日本動漫以及美國城市生活中的廣泛性汲取靈感,現已為人所熟知和認可。Flyboy的形象已經廣布城市街頭壁畫,坐落各大名流家中,受邀於耐克和宇舶表等品牌的委託創作,並且在包括Galerie Frank Pages, 日內瓦(2014年)、邁阿密海灘巴塞爾藝術展(2016年),以及Gallery Megumi Ogita(東京)等各大展館展出。在芝加哥,甚至已經開始建造「Nevermore Park」。 這個6,000平方英尺的互動藝術裝置將迎接訪客們前往Flyboy的虛構故鄉。


  • 藝術家簡介


    Hebru Brantley consistently explores complex ideas around nostalgia, the mental psyche, power, and hope. Majorly influenced by the South Side of Chicago's AfriCOBRA movement in the 1960s and 70s, and growing up during the 1990s graffiti scene, Brantley employs the history of mural and graffiti art as a frame to animate his own unique perception of dark fiction. Brantley's challenges the traditional view of the hero or protagonist - his character, Flyboy, was born from the notion of creating a set of characters within a canon that existed alongside Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny and Batman, through this concept of dark fiction.  Brantley’s work and characters frequently explore American culture through a fun, afro-futuristic intent, projecting what will and what can be rather than what is, whilst celebrating the concept of the black leader. Flyboy and his universe, including characters Lil Mama and Phibby are often seen looking upward in heroic stances; they summon the viewer to optimism and hope. 




款識:UNTITLED hebru brantley 2017(畫背)
壓克力 畫布
61.2 x 71.2 公分 (24 1/8 x 28 英寸)

HK$70,000 - 90,000 



Delissa Putri Handoko
Head of Sale, 20th Century & Contemporary Art


Online Auction 9-18 October 2019