John Cage - Editions & Works on Paper New York Monday, October 24, 2022 | Phillips
  • Not Wanting to Say Anything About Marcel (1969), was created to honor the passing of his friend and mentor, Marcel Duchamp. Each of the eight “Plexigrams” is comprised of silkscreened Plexiglas panels. Through chance operations, Cage randomly selected words and numbers from the dictionary and transposed them onto Plexiglas in a disintegrating composition. Assembled together, the Plexigrams resemble a translucent tombstone with ghostly, fading inscriptions. The title refers to a comment Jasper Johns made to Cage when artists were encouraged to respond in memoriam to Duchamp’s death, “I don’t want to say anything about Marcel.” Duchamp’s iconic The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass), (1915–23) as well as Robert Rauschenberg’s Revolvers (1967) had a significant impact on Cage’s thinking when conceiving of this suite of works. - James Cohan Gallery, 2015


《不想對馬塞爾說任何話:叢圖 II》

全套八組絲印版畫 Rohm and Haas 丙烯酸膠板 裱於染色打蠟胡桃木製底座 隨附出版物《描述「不想對馬塞爾說任何話」的構圖過程》
14 3/4 x 24 x 14 1/2 英吋 (37.5 x 61 x 36.8 公分)
尚有18版羅馬數字版,由辛辛那提EYE Editions畫廊出版。

Full Cataloguing

$2,500 - 3,500 



212 940 1220


紐約拍賣 2022年10月24至26日