Klára Hosnedlová - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale London Thursday, October 12, 2023 | Phillips
  • Klára Hosnedlová is a young Czech artist known for her astonishing multi-disciplinary installations. Hosnedlová creates dazzling worlds incorporating architecture, fashion, sculpture, performance and embroidery. The present work formed part of the artist’s site-specific presentation at the National Theatre of Prague in 2018, titled ‘Ponytail Parlour’. With the 1980s brutalist architecture of the Nová scéna as the starting point, Hosnedlová transformed the cloakroom into a performative feminine retreat. The artist carefully selected theatre costumes and design which complemented the acutely delicate framed embroideries, picturing the female form through a lens of tactile materiality. Using a traditionally feminine and domestic medium in Untitled (from Ponytail Parlour), Hosnedlová expertly conjures the opposing textures of patterned textile, shimmering hair and skin. The close cropping of the picture plane and the sharp pointed nails contribute to differentiating these artworks from the preconceived notions of gentility, which have historically been associated with womanhood and needlework.


    Earlier this year, Hosnedlová exhibited her first institutional solo presentation at Kestner Gesellschaft in Hanover. Open from March to June To Infinity metamorphosed two floors of the museum into an ‘archaic yet futuristic’ utopiai. Monumental hanging sculptures, which were visually poised between stalactites and chrysalises, housed the artist’s embroideries within fissures in their forms. The show was widely celebrated and Frieze’s Gabriela Acha wrote: ‘Hosnedlová’s enveloping installation recasts every element as a character in a play of her devising, one which tells a speculative origin story of human culture and its imminent transformation through new forms of intelligence. Hosnedlová is planning a further institutional exhibition at Kunsthalle Basel in early 2024 and a debut solo show with White Cube, London in 2025.



    i Gabriela Acha, ‘Klára Hosnedlová Creates a Temporal Shift’, Frieze, Issue 237, 23 May 2023

    • 來源

      布拉格hunt kastner畫廊

    • 過往展覽

      Prague, National Theatre, Klará Hosnedlová: Ponytail Parlour, 27 - 30 August 2018




刺繡 畫布 裱於紙板 裱於藝術家瓷框
27.8 x 22.8 公分 (10 7/8 x 8 7/8 英吋)

Full Cataloguing

£8,000 - 12,000 ‡♠



Charlotte Gibbs
+44 73931 41144

Simon Tovey
+44 20 7318 4084

20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale

倫敦拍賣 2023年10月12日