Luke Diiorio - Unbound: Online Only New York Thursday, October 18, 2018 | Phillips
  • 拍品詳情

    “I was always interested in fragmenting stuff, chopping an image up, and splicing the surface. The fold is a nice way to bring up an image. Even if the image is quite minimal, the image is abstract, but to break it up really fragments it, which I have always been interested in—in painting, sculpture, other people’s work, in language and poetry. So folding was a nice way to do it. The image travels.” Luke Diiorio

    Referred to as “paintings” Luke Diiorio manipulates fabric to create elegant and minimalistic forms. He explains he first paints the fabric with chemical solutions like bleach and then begins to sculpt the material. Siting Agnes Martin and Robert Irwin as major influences, Diiorio does not pursue reduction like the original minimalists but instead utilizes their language and marks to explore a new contemporary style.

  • 來源

    Simcor LLC, Los Angeles
    Acquired from the above by the present owner


Untitled (#2)

signed, titled and dated "luke diiorio untitled (#2) 2014" on the stretcher
hand-folded Indian linen
50 1/4 x 36 1/4 in. (127.6 x 92.1 cm.)
Executed in 2014.

$3,000 - 5,000 


Katherine Lukacher
Associate Specialist, Head of Online Sales
+1 212 940 1215

Unbound: Online Only

Bidding Closes 30 October 2018