Martino Gamper - Park Ave Shop New York Monday, March 7, 2011 | Phillips

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  • Catalogue Essay

    Italian born, London based designer Martino Gamper graduated from the Royal College of Art in 1997 and continued to be involved in the college as a design products tutor on and off until 2010. He is best known for his
    deft improvisational craftsmanship, exemplified by his series 100 chairs in 100 days and If Gio only knew. Gamper’s 2008 Total Tratoria was executed in the same spirit, designing every single element of a dinner party at Aram Gallery;
    a range that included the kitchen and its storage areas to the cutlery, tables, chairs, glassware, coasters, placemats, and aprons, a number of which are uniquely available here.


Total Trattoria: In Vino Veritas, Coasters

Die Cut Leather
3 Place Coaster: $18

Park Ave Shop

7 March
New York