Max Ernst - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Morning Session New York Thursday, November 18, 2021 | Phillips
  • This special collection of Max Ernst works offered across Phillips’ fall sale season comes directly from the personal collection of the renowned filmmaker Peter Schamoni. Encompassing a range of works in a variety of mediums from the 1920s through to the 1960s, the collection reflects key moments in the artist’s career and personal life, highlighting Ernst’s consistent interest in scientific modes of inquiry and discovery, especially in mathematics and astronomy.  Ernst and Schamoni worked closely together on several collaborative projects, including the short 1966 film Maximiliana oder die widerrechtliche Ausübung der Astromomie (Maximiliana and the Illegal Practice of Astronomy), by which the collection title is inspired. Representing the depth of their personal and professional relationship, the collection also includes works that were made especially for these film projects and were gifted directly to Schamoni by Ernst. Exhibited extensively and previously on long-term loan to the Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, the works were also included in the internationally renowned 2013 exhibition Entdeckungsfahrten zu Max Ernst Die Sammlung Peter Schamoni.


    Max Ernst and Peter Schamoni. Photographed by Viktor Schamoni. Courtesy of the Estate of Peter Schamoni
    Max Ernst and Peter Schamoni. Photographed by Viktor Schamoni. Courtesy of the Estate of Peter Schamoni
    • 來源

      旺斯 Alphonse Chave 畫廊

    • 過往展覽

      Krefeld, Kunstverein, Max Ernst, Frottagen und Collagen, March–April 1972, no. 69
      Tokyo, The Seibu Museum of Art; Kobe, Museum of Modern Art Hyogo, Exhibition of Works by Max Ernst, April 15–July 10, 1977, no. 105, n.p. (illustrated)
      Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Villa Böhm, Max Ernst, Abfälle vom Werk / Déchets d'oeuvres; Originale und Grafik aus der Sammlung Peter Schamoni, December 9–23, 1978 (illustrated)
      Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Entdeckungsfahrten zu Max Ernst Die Sammlung Peter Schamoni, February 24–June 23, 2013, pp. 111, 177 (illustrated, p. 111)

    • 文學

      Winfried Konnertz, Max Ernst, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Übermalungen, Frottagen, Cologne, 1980, no. 132, p. 184 (illustrated)
      Werner Spies, Sigrid and Günter Metken, eds., Max Ernst Œuvre-Katalog. Max Ernst Werke 1939–1953, Cologne, 1987, no. 2966, p. 334 (illustrated)




款識:max ernst(紙本右下方)Hawaï 1952(藝術家裱框下方邊緣)
拓印法 紙本 裱於藝術家裱框
紙本:8 5/8 x 7 1/2 英吋 (21.9 x 19.1 公分)
藝術家裱框:14 3/4 x 12 3/8 英吋 (37.5 x 31.4 公分)


Full Cataloguing

$7,000 - 9,000 



John McCord
+1 212 940 1261

20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale - Morning Session
