Michel Majerus - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale London Friday, March 3, 2023 | Phillips
  • “Majerus was interested in everything new, and I do feel that his own personal sense of time and omnipresence was very much in line with how we think of the World Wide Web, in terms of everything happening now. For him, it was a strangely new temporal experience that he had to express in his art. It’s almost like he was trying to translate that into something hopelessly old-fashioned—not oil on canvas, necessarily, but a painterly practice. How can you paint the Internet? What a ridiculous thing, but he did in a way. With every new project he was trying to grasp digitalized space and transport it to our physical space. I could see him react to prescient developments in perhaps a more gloomy way, but really, his mentality was upgrade optimism. He was also a pretty cheerful character in that he was very much about affirming new things and not about mourning the death of painting or the disappearance of possibilities, but rather, celebrating new frontiers in his art.” i
    —Daniel BirnBaum


    i Daniel BirnBaum quoted in Kurt McVey, “Thoroughly Modern Michel Majerus,” Interview Magazine, February 6, 2014, online.

    • 來源

      隆德 Anders Tornberg 畫廊


《MoM Block Nr. 46》

款識:Majerus 97 MoM Block Nr. 46(畫背)
壓克力 棉布
159.9 x 140 公分 (62 7/8 x 55 1/8 英吋)

Full Cataloguing

£50,000 - 70,000 ‡♠



Simon Tovey

+44 20 7318 4084


20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale

倫敦拍賣 2023年3月3日