Milo Matthieu - New Now New York Tuesday, September 28, 2021 | Phillips
  • Reprising the psychic autonomism practiced by the Surrealists and Dadaists, Milo Matthieu investigates the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. He paints with an open mind, rendering the outlandish, the unexpected, and the exciting to create dialogues between the worlds of experience and introspection. Often painting multiple works at once, he projects thought in its purest form—the unthought—onto the canvas with prestissimo intensity and joyful spontaneity. The resulting works juxtapose disparate influences to open up unanticipated avenues of exploration between the felt and the unfelt, the seen and the unseen, and the experienced and the imagined.


    Reflecting on this aspect of his practice, Matthieu posits that he uses “art as a means of dialogue for myself to express a feeling or a sentiment. So that’s something that I’ve been carrying or trying to carry through even within my territorial practice—this idea of how art has an ability to say the things that we can’t always say ourselves."

    Follow Milo Matthieu on Instagram.

    • 拍品詳情

      Please note that the seller will be donating a portion of the proceeds from this artwork’s sale to benefit Project Backboard. Project Backboard is a 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to strengthen communities, encourage multi-generational play, and inspire people to think more critically and creatively. The organization will use proceeds from the sale to develop a public basketball court in Haiti, and they intend to donate a portion of proceeds from the sale of this lot to earthquake relief efforts there.

    • 來源


THE CROSSOVER:拍賣收益撥捐 Project Backboard



款識:藝術家花押字、Los Siete Infantes 2021 Milo Matthieu NY, NY(畫背)
油彩 麻布
72 x 60 英吋 (182.9 x 152.4 公分)

Full Cataloguing

$15,000 - 20,000 



Patrizia Koenig

New Now主管暨副專家

212 940 1279


New Now

紐約拍賣 2021年9月28日