Pablo Picasso - Editions & Works on Paper New York Tuesday, October 19, 2021 | Phillips
  • 文學

    Georges Bloch 366
    Brigitte Baer 696
    see Patrick Cramer books 66

  • 圖錄文章

    Maurice Toesca's six tales in Six contes fantasques (Six Whimsical Tales) mix the fantastic with the real in such a way as to reveal the great truths of life, the force of time, art and nature. This theme, familiar to Picasso, is the central idea behind the artist's illustrations for this book. On April 30, 1944, Picasso made six engravings with burin (creating the velvety burr areas of the lines) which were dated and numbered from 'I' to 'VI' in the plates. These details were burnished out for the larger, unsigned book edition.

    Picasso drew this image for the sixth tale titled Le Bois d'enfer (Hell Woods), the author anticipates his own old age. He tells how the 80 year old Monsieur Toesca faces the hard realities of life as he crosses the woods of hell with his double, Monsieur Troïka. This final tale is preceded by the sixth engraving of a woman's profile with a garland of flowers. The image may be compared with certain portraits of Marie-Thérèse Walder but also of Dora Marr. (Patrick Cramer Pablo Picasso, the Illustrated Books, 1983, p. 176)

  • 藝術家簡介


    Spanish • 1881 - 1973

    One of the most dominant and influential artists of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was a master of endless reinvention. While significantly contributing to the movements of Surrealism, Neoclassicism and Expressionism, he is best known for pioneering the groundbreaking movement of Cubism alongside fellow artist Georges Braque in the 1910s. In his practice, he drew on African and Iberian visual culture as well as the developments in the fast-changing world around him.

    Throughout his long and prolific career, the Spanish-born artist consistently pushed the boundaries of art to new extremes. Picasso's oeuvre is famously characterized by a radical diversity of styles, ranging from his early forays in Cubism to his Classical Period and his later more gestural expressionist work, and a diverse array of media including printmaking, drawing, ceramics and sculpture as well as theater sets and costumes designs. 



《小女孩頭戴鮮花–來自「六個異想天開的故事」,第6版 (Bl. 366, Ba. 696, 見 C. bks 66)》

雕刻 胡桃根木 編織紙本(全包邊)
圖像:13 3/4 x 10 5/8 英吋 (34.9 x 27 公分)
紙本:15 3/4 x 12 3/8 英吋 (40 x 31.4 公分)

尚有225版綜合紙本版,此為出版商為朋友而製的小型特別版,由巴黎 Flammarion 於1953年出版,已裱。

$8,000 - 12,000 


212 940 1220

