Sofu Teshigahara - Editions, Photographs and Design Hong Kong Friday, June 14, 2024 | Phillips
  • 來源

    阿姆斯特丹,佳士得,2004 年 6 月 9 日,拍品編號 295

  • 文學

    Sofu Teshigahara: Calligraphies and Sculptures, exh. cat., The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1980, for similar examples throughout
    Sofu Teshigahara in the Postwar Avant-Garde Era, exh. cat., Setagaya Art Museum and Sogetsu Foundation, Tokyo, 2001, pp. 23, 26-27, 126-27, 162-65 for similar examples

  • 圖錄文章

    Training in the Japanese discipline of ikebana and even founding his own school to teach its principles, Teshigahara’s personal interpretation and prioritisation in his creative practise was to understand and express the inherent feeling of the materials he worked with, placing great importance on expression of three dimensions and utilising asymmetry to create tension and balance in his compositions, regardless of medium. He extended the philosophies of ikebana, transcending its applications for floral arranging into other artistic endeavours, such as sculpture, calligraphy and drawing. The present folding screen demonstrates the artist’s preoccupation with dimension and dynamic expression of form with the flexible functionality of the moveable screen, as well as his interests in calligraphy and asymmetry through the motifs selected and applied to the work.



日本水墨 金 紙本 望加錫烏木
如圖所示:172 x 338 x 1.6 公分(67 3/4 x 133 1/8 x 0 5/8 英吋)

HK$250,000 - 350,000 


Nick Wilson
+852 2318 2022

Robert Kennan


香港拍賣 2024年6月14日