Stanley Whitney - 20th Century & Contemporary Art & Design Day Sale Hong Kong Thursday, July 9, 2020 | Phillips
  • 來源


  • 圖錄文章

    「惠特尼的色彩擁有自主的生命,傳達著記憶和懷舊。這塊橙色帶你回到你最喜歡的童年襯衫,那塊藍色讓你想起外婆的廚房。惠特尼的作品提醒我們,色彩喚起感情和感知的能力是普世皆同的。」Lauren Haynes

    《無題》向我們展現了一個看似簡單的構圖:不規則的矩形疊成四行,每一行由五至六個色塊組成, 每個色塊由橫穿畫布的水平線條分隔。惠特尼徒手繪畫的筆觸在柔和與姿態之間波動,精心調配的紅色、綠色和藍色,檸檬黃和黑色,在富有詩意律動的視覺效果中顯得動態十足。從文藝復興畫作,早期極簡主義,色域繪畫,以及爵士對唱傳統中汲取靈感,容易識別的抽象網格形式是非裔美籍當代視覺藝術家斯坦利·惠特尼作品的標誌形態,他與顏色的緊密聯系以及對其空間效果的理解,都經過了多年的歷練。


  • 藝術家簡介


    American • 1946

    Inspired by Renaissance painting, Minimalist sculpture and jazz music, Stanley Whitney’s oeuvre has become central to the current discourse of abstract painting in the contemporary era. Following recent solo exhibitions at the Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth and the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, the 72-year-old artist has only just received the critical acclaim he deserves. After moving to New York from Philadelphia at the age of 22, Whitney aligned himself with the Color Field painters, often working in the shadows of his contemporaries including Frank Stella and Kenneth Noland. Throughout the decades that followed, however, the artist soon established himself as a key player in 20th century abstraction, traveling the world and gaining recognition not only in the studio, but also in the classroom, where he has taught Painting and Drawing at the Tyler School of Art for over 30 years. As such, Whitney’s influence extends to a generation of new artists exploring the formal tenants of painting today.

    As Lauren Haynes, curator of Whitney’s solo show at the Studio Museum in 2015, aptly wrote, “Whitney’s work interrogates the connections among colors, how they lead to and away from one another, what memories they are associated with…Whitney’s colors take on lives of their own. They evoke memory and nostalgia. This orange takes you back to your favorite childhood t-shirt; that blue reminds you of your grandmother’s kitchen. Whitney’s paintings remind us, on a universal scale, of the ability of color to trigger feelings and sensations.”





款識:2016 Stanley Whitney (畫背)
油彩 畫布
30 x 30 公分 (11 3/4 x 11 3/4 英寸)

HK$200,000 - 300,000 


Danielle So
Associate Specialist, Head of Day Sale

20th Century & Contemporary Art & Design Day Sale

Hong Kong Auction 9 July 2020