Stanley Whitney - 20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale Hong Kong Saturday, November 24, 2018 | Phillips
  • 來源

    紐約,Esso 畫廊

  • 圖錄文章


    惠特尼於1946年在美國費城出生,自1968年移居紐約後建立起其獨樹一幟的藝術風格。前輩專注於抽象表現主義藝術時,他的色塊繪畫逐漸成形,亦推動了突破性的色域和極簡藝術。的確,惠特尼曾在泰勒藝術學院執教油畫與素描長達三十年,因此他對當代繪畫的影響功不可沒。除了其本身創作背景的啟發,他並沒有像同時期藝術家馬克·羅斯科、約瑟夫·亞伯斯、卡爾·安德和肯尼斯·諾蘭一般,採取完全純粹的色域繪畫,而是尋找色塊中的自發性和韻律性,同時向歐洲繪畫大師致敬:「我覺得他們放棄太多了,他們把手感放棄了,完全專注於放在墻上的平面,你所看到的就是你所有的,我不喜歡這個理念。我不想放棄庫爾貝,我不想放棄戈雅,我不想放棄維拉斯蓋斯,我什麼都不想放棄。」(藝術家所言講,錄於 Aruna D’Souza,〈結構始自顏色: 斯坦利·惠特尼繪一幅畫〉,,發佈於2017年5月30日)此作令人想起馬蒂斯的1953年作品《蝸牛》,該作品是一幅抽象平面拼貼畫作品,而惠特尼的作品不僅色塊,更以顏料重疊和動態筆觸加入了層次和深度,頗有塞尚作品中微妙的靜物深淺感之神韻。


    如 Lauren Haynes 所說:「惠特尼筆下的顏色擁有自己的生命,它們能激起回憶和思愁。這塊橙黃色令你想到童年最愛的T恤,那塊藍色又把你帶到祖母的廚房。惠特尼的畫作十分普世,提醒了我們顏色在觸發意識和情感的力量。」(Lauren Haynes,〈讓藍染橘〉,《斯坦利·惠特尼: 橘色舞動》,哈林工作室博物館,紐約,2015年,28頁)惠特尼作品的題目也總會勾起各種聯想,此作題目暗示撲克牌之印象以及路易斯·卡羅之經典故事《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》。然而,配以深湛熱情的紅色,惠特尼引領我們自己的想像力遊走到愛之女神的象徵。

  • 藝術家簡介


    American • 1946

    Inspired by Renaissance painting, Minimalist sculpture and jazz music, Stanley Whitney’s oeuvre has become central to the current discourse of abstract painting in the contemporary era. Following recent solo exhibitions at the Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth and the Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, the 72-year-old artist has only just received the critical acclaim he deserves. After moving to New York from Philadelphia at the age of 22, Whitney aligned himself with the Color Field painters, often working in the shadows of his contemporaries including Frank Stella and Kenneth Noland. Throughout the decades that followed, however, the artist soon established himself as a key player in 20th century abstraction, traveling the world and gaining recognition not only in the studio, but also in the classroom, where he has taught Painting and Drawing at the Tyler School of Art for over 30 years. As such, Whitney’s influence extends to a generation of new artists exploring the formal tenants of painting today.

    As Lauren Haynes, curator of Whitney’s solo show at the Studio Museum in 2015, aptly wrote, “Whitney’s work interrogates the connections among colors, how they lead to and away from one another, what memories they are associated with…Whitney’s colors take on lives of their own. They evoke memory and nostalgia. This orange takes you back to your favorite childhood t-shirt; that blue reminds you of your grandmother’s kitchen. Whitney’s paintings remind us, on a universal scale, of the ability of color to trigger feelings and sensations.”




款識:Whitney (簽於內框);2004 《Queen of Hearts》Stanley Whitney (畫背)
油畫 麻布
137.2 x 152.4 公分 (54 x 60 英寸)

HK$800,000 - 1,200,000 


Jonathan Crockett
Deputy Chairman, Asia and Head of 20th Century & Contemporary Art, Asia
+852 2318 2023

Isaure de Viel Castel
Head of Department
+852 2318 2011

Sandy Ma
Specialist, Head of Evening Sale
+852 2318 2025

20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale

Hong Kong Auction 25 November 2018