Various artists including Willem de Kooning, Sam Francis, Ellsworth Kelly, Richard Lindner, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Henry Pearson, and Saul Steinberg - Editions & Works on Paper New York Monday, October 24, 2022 | Phillips
  • Irwin Hollander was a master lithographer who worked closely with many of the great Abstract Expressionist painters in the 1960s to help revive fine art printing in America. An artist himself, Hollander turned to working in commercial lithography in the 1950s to make ends meet. The company he worked for allowed Hollander to use their equipment at night for his own artistic pursuits, which caught the notice of artist June Wayne. She had recently opened Tamarind Lithography Workshop in Los Angeles and invited Hollander to become their first master printer – cementing his career as a fine art printer and advocate for lithography as an art form.


    Moving back to New York in the mid-1960s, Hollander set up his own print shop, Hollander Workshop, on the Lower East Side. Early works published in the workshop were by Leonard Baskin and Robert Motherwell, leading to the publishing of Portfolio 9 in 1967 which included works from nine artists: Willem de Kooning, Sam Francis, Ellsworth Kelly, Richard Lindner, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Henry Pearson, and Saul Steinberg. Following this series, Hollander went on to work with many of these artists individually and is noted for convincing Willem de Kooning and Robert Motherwell that their artistic styles would be well-suited to lithography, eventually leading to a significant body of prints by both artists.

    Irwin Hollander in 1966 working on Robert Motherwell’s lithograph “Automatism B.” He persuaded many Abstract Expressionist painters to try lithography. Credit...Dedalus Foundation/VAGA at ARS, NY
    Irwin Hollander in 1966 working on Robert Motherwell’s lithograph “Automatism B.” He persuaded many Abstract Expressionist painters to try lithography. Photo credit Dedalus Foundation/VAGA at ARS, NY


    Irwin Hollander working with Willem de Kooning in his New York Workshop. Image courtesy of the Hollander family.
    Irwin Hollander working with Willem de Kooning in his New York Workshop. Image courtesy of the Hollander family.


    Irwin Hollander working with Louise Nevelson in his New York workshop. Image courtesy of the Hollander family.
    Irwin Hollander working with Louise Nevelson in his New York workshop. Image courtesy of the Hollander family.
    • 文學

      Connie Lembark L 87 (Francis); Gene Baro 85 (Nevelson); Lanier Graham 4 (de Kooning); Siri Engberg and Joan Banach 56 (Motherwell); Richard Axsom 60 (Kelly)

    • Catalogue Essay

      Including: Willem de Kooning, Clam Digger; Sam Francis, Untitled; Ellsworth Kelly, Black Form; Richard Lindner, We Are All One; Robert Motherwell, Untitled; Louise Nevelson, Dusk in August; Henry Pearson, Face and Saul Steinberg, Thirteen Colonies

Irwin Hollander家族珍藏


《作品集 9:8版 (L. L87, B. 85, G. 4, E. & B. 56, A. 60)》

八組石版畫 Arches 紙本 Rives BFK 紙本 Canson 紙本(全包邊,全紙本)附版權頁 全部存於原裝黑麻布面文件夾 缺少羅伊.利希滕斯坦的版畫
紙本:17 x 22 英吋 (43.2 x 55.9 公分)
文件夾:23 1/2 x 18 1/4 x 7/8 英吋 (59.7 x 46.4 x 2.2 公分)

款識:簽名、編號 39/100
鈴印:紐約 Hollander 工作室
尚有10版無編號藝術家試作版、20版羅馬數字藝術家試作版,由紐約 Hollander 工作室出版。

Full Cataloguing

$6,000 - 9,000 



212 940 1220


紐約拍賣 2022年10月24至26日