Whitfield Lovell - New Now New York Tuesday, September 28, 2021 | Phillips
  • 來源

    紐約 DC Moore 畫廊

  • 文學

    The Art of Whitfield Lovell: Whispers from the Walls, exh. cat., University of North Texas Art Gallery, Denton, 2003, p. 78 (illustrated)

  • 藝術家簡介


    American • 1959

    History, memory and identity are at the core of Whitfield Lovell’s practice. For almost 30 years, Lovell has created nuanced portraits of anonymous African Americans by combining exceptional draftsmanship with evocative found images and objects he finds at flea markets, antique stores and estate sales. Lovell, who counts his earliest memories as being of his father developing family photographs in their Bronx apartment, bases his detailed drawings on pre-Civil Rights era photographs and tintypes. While matching the photographs’ precision, he often draws these portraits on stained and weathered wood and juxtaposes the evocative images with objects that seem to point to different moments of U.S. history.




炭筆 木 現成玻璃樽 現成啤牌 現成火柴 現成金屬罐 現成小玻璃杯 現成眼鏡 現成剃鬚刷 現成梳子 阿司匹林
27 3/4 x 19 x 16 英吋 (70.5 x 48.3 x 40.6 公分)

$4,000 - 6,000 



Patrizia Koenig

New Now主管暨副專家

212 940 1279



New Now

紐約拍賣 2021年9月28日