Yayoi Kusama - 20th Century & Contemporary Art & Design Day Sale in Association with Poly Auction Hong Kong Thursday, December 3, 2020 | Phillips
  • 「在花的痛楚裡,現實從未終結。」—草間彌生

    1978年,日本藝術家草間彌生撰寫了一本題為《曼哈頓自殺慣犯》的詩集,敘述自己在紐約生活時對抗抑鬱症的經歷。她曾試圖自殺兩次,第一次因故友及曾經的伴侶,畫家約瑟夫·康奈爾之死讓她深受打擊,第二次為紐約時期藝術生涯的瓶頸,紐約波普藝術家安迪·沃霍爾和克拉斯·歐登伯格因竊取她的想法而獲得廣泛讚譽,使她陷入抑鬱的深淵。草間彌生於1973年回到東京,然而返回日本卻為她帶來了更多的痛苦:「當我回到日本時,他們將我視為聳人聽聞的存在。當時的記者想法極為保守,他們只想用負面的語言來報導我。」i 這一切迫使她從頭開始。1974年,草間彌生因喪父而精神上再次遭受重創,並使她回憶起充滿創傷的童年時期。她於是轉行做了一名藝術經紀人,但幾年後便以失敗告終。1975年,身心憔悴的草間彌生自願住進了一家精神病院,並在1977年後長居於此。



    雖然草間彌生在艱難的處境中痛苦地掙扎,但無限的創造力也在她身上蠢蠢欲動,這時草間彌生發展新的藝術媒介,比如陶瓷、水彩、粉彩、拼貼,以及詩歌。她在2016年的一次採訪中曾說道,「我有過黑暗的日子和不幸的時光,但我用藝術的力量戰勝了它們。」ii 像《花園的埋葬日》這樣的作品成為了草間彌生陰暗日子裡的一道出口,象徵著她對童年創傷、幻覺和藝術世界的排斥的一種精神上的洗滌。悲痛和精神疾病化為草間彌生巨大的力量。《花園的埋葬日》代表了草間彌生有象徵意義的重生,猶如一顆心臟,上面綻放著鮮花,湧現著新生。


    《Kusama: Infinity》預告片(2018年)


    i 草間彌生引述於希瑟·倫茨,《草間彌生:無限》(2018年)

    ii 草間彌生引述於Claire Marie Healy,《草間彌生:我用藝術的力量戰勝了黑暗的日子》,《Dazed》線上,2016年5月26日,載自網路

    • 來源


    • 藝術家簡介



      Named "the world's most popular artist" in 2015, it's not hard to see why Yayoi Kusama continues to dazzle contemporary art audiences globally. From her signature polka dots—"fabulous," she calls them—to her mirror-and-light Infinity Rooms, Kusama's multi-dimensional practice of making art elevates the experience of immersion. To neatly pin an artistic movement onto Kusama would be for naught: She melds and transcends the aesthetics and theories of many late twentieth century movements, including Pop Art and Minimalism, without ever taking a singular path.


      As an nonagenarian who still lives in Tokyo and steadfastly paints in her studio every day, Kusama honed her punchy cosmic style in New York City in the 1960s. During this period, she staged avant-garde happenings, which eventually thrust her onto the international stage with a series of groundbreaking exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in the 1980s and the 45th Venice Biennale in 1993. She continues to churn out paintings and installations at inspiring speed, exhibiting internationally in nearly every corner of the globe, and maintains a commanding presence on the primary market and at auction.




款識:Yayoi Kusama 1978 (左上); 1978 Yayoi Kusama 草間彌生 《花園的埋葬日》 (畫背)
瓷漆 水墨 紙板
27.2 x 24.2 公分 (10 3/4 x 9 1/2 英寸)

Full Cataloguing

HK$150,000 - 250,000 



Danielle So
Associate Specialist, Head of Day Sale

20th Century & Contemporary Art & Design Day Sale in Association with Poly Auction

Hong Kong Auction 4 December 2020