Galerie Alphonse Chave, Vence
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Krefeld, Kunstverein, Max Ernst, Frottagen und Collagen, March–April 1972, no. 69
Tokyo, The Seibu Museum of Art; Kobe, Museum of Modern Art Hyogo, Exhibition of Works by Max Ernst, April 15–July 10, 1977, no. 105, n.p. (illustrated)
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Villa Böhm, Max Ernst, Abfälle vom Werk / Déchets d'oeuvres; Originale und Grafik aus der Sammlung Peter Schamoni, December 9–23, 1978 (illustrated)
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Entdeckungsfahrten zu Max Ernst Die Sammlung Peter Schamoni, February 24–June 23, 2013, pp. 111, 177 (illustrated, p. 111)
Winfried Konnertz, Max Ernst, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Übermalungen, Frottagen, Cologne, 1980, no. 132, p. 184 (illustrated)
Werner Spies, Sigrid and Günter Metken, eds., Max Ernst Œuvre-Katalog. Max Ernst Werke 1939–1953, Cologne, 1987, no. 2966, p. 334 (illustrated)